In Memoriam

This page is dedicated to William’s memory,

I know the whole family would love to hear any stories or memories you’d like to share, if you do have any memories please let us know via

Thank you


2 thoughts on “In Memoriam

  1. Richard, first my condolences for Bill`s family,and for keeping the 225 SDN web .I joined 225 in Dec`64 as a newly `minted P/O,from a Sgt.pilot,at Kuching.As a `junior pilot`amongst several others we were mentored/trained/worked hard by those who were `senior`,either in age,or in experience,by flying on `tasks`,learning to navigate,generally at low -level around Sarawak,to find all the LZ`s,and approach/depart `tactically` as the situation/location demanded.Then,after `check rides` with the `Boss`,or `Chunky` Lord,the FLT Cdr,one would be allowed to do `solo` sorties,generally to LZ`s that were`easy`,safe,not necessarily on the border,to see how we coped and built experience.There was always further `training,including night-flying,with the QHI`s ,Ian Richardson,or Hugh Lake.If all went well,one would be sent to one of the `Detached Flights` ,either Lundu or Simanggang,I went to Lundu,about 30 miles WNW of Kuching, under the `mentoring of Brian Danger,then Bren Spikins and later Dick Symonds.Here one learned quickly the area`nuances`,and the specific requirements of the resident Battalion in situ ,either the Argylls,40 Commando ,or the Gurkhas,plus the resident Artillery at certain LZs.We operated out of the local football field,surrounded by 3 schools,so take-off and landings had to be carefully flown to avoid buildings,with `downwash/dust/noise children,etc..
    Then one might have a `respite`,be called back to Kuching,for more training to knock -off any `bad habits` we may have picked up from our `elders` on Detachnent …! I`ll leave it there at the moment…

    I notice several relatives have enquiries about the fatal crash involving
    F/O Sam Smith,Jack Canham,Paul Evans,Ricky Galbraith,and B J Langley,in XP327,`A`(NOT XP398,`M`) 398 was one of my crashes,the aircraft was recovered by Belvedere,and rebuilt,and continued flying,
    My step-daughter was recently in Singapore,and I asked her to go to Kranji War Cemetery to lay flowers and cards on the graves of Sam Smith and Paul Evans,which she did on 22 Nov 2024,as the others were repatriated some time ago..The cards were annotated with the initials of all the remaining pilots who were on 225 SDN at the time of the crash.
    If any of their families want,I`m happy to send copies of the photos taken in Kranji.
    You may wish to know I am one of Colin Cummings`s `Old Rotors`….as a check…

  2. Richard,
    Additional info for Julian Yelliah,refrence the aircraft Dave Collinson was flying.It was XP393 ,coded”O” ;it was also fitted with attachments/small mountings,to allow fItment of the 4 SS11 MISSILES(2 PER SIDE),but not fitted on that occasion,
    For `Stan Matthias`,the aircrraft that crashed , on 25 Sept `65 was XP327,coded “A”.

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